
Law of Georgia on Health Care
Article 141
Fertilisation with a donor’s sperm shall be allowed:
a) due to infertility, if there is a risk of transmitting a genetic disease from the husband to the child, or for fertilisation of a single woman, if a written consent of the infertile couple or the single woman has been obtained. If a child is born, the infertile couple or the single woman shall be deemed as parents, with the responsibilities and authorities proceeding from this fact. The donor shall not have the right to be recognised as the father of the born child;
b) (Deleted)
Law of Georgia No 3553 of 21 July 2010 – LHG I, No 46, 4.8.2010, Art. 282
Article 143
1. In vitro fertilisation shall be allowed:
a) to treat infertility, if there is a risk of transmitting a genetic disease from the wife or the husband to the child, using the gametes or embryo of the couple or a donor, if a written consent of the couple has been obtained;
b) if a woman does not have an uterus, by transferring the embryo obtained as a result of fertilisation to the uterus of another women (‘surrogate mother’) and growing it there; obtaining a written consent of the couple shall be obligatory.
2. If a child is born, the couple shall be deemed as parents, with the responsibilities and authorities proceeding from this fact; the donor or the ‘surrogate mother’ shall not have the right to be recognised as a parent of the born child.
Article 144
It shall be possible to use male and female gametes or embryos that have been conserved by freezing for the purpose of artificial fertilisation. The time of conservation shall be determined according to the couple’s will, under the established procedure.
1. 允许与供体精子受精:
a) 因为基因遗传疾病的风险有可能来自于捐赠者男性或被捐赠的单身女性,所以须获得不孕夫妇或单身女性的书面同意。一旦孩子出生,不孕夫妇或单身女性则被认定为父母,负有相应的责任和权利。捐赠者则无权在授精问题上被认定为孩子的父亲。
b)撤销 (2017年7月21日,N3553,自2010年12月1日起投入使用)
b)如果潜在母亲没有子宫,则通过将受精的胚胎转移到任何代母(代孕母亲)子宫中发育。 必须经过潜在父母书面同意;